

What is the requirement to apply to AAA?

You must be a high school graduate, over 17 years-old, have minimum English proficiency and good health condition.

We do not have any examination.

How can I apply to AAA?

You can apply via online APPLICATION FORM. Or we can send you an application form via e-mail. Please contact us via INQUIRY FORM.

What documents do I need to submit?

We need you to submit your passport and final academic certificate together with your application form.

What course do you offer?

We have six courses; PPL(Private Pilot License), CPL(Commercial Pilot License), IR (Instrument Rating) , MER(Multi Engine Rating) , FI(Flight Instructor Rating) and AAQ(Airline Assessment Qualification Training).

Most of our students take PPL/CPL/IR/MER or AAQ as recommended.

Can I take Type Rating such as Airbus or Boeing?

You can take Airbus 320 or Boeing 737 type rating at our partner, JATC after completion of your basic training at AAA.

For more info, please visit www.jatc.aero or email them at info@jatc.aero

Do you have a dormitory?

Yes, we do. We provide lodging with 3 meals a day.

I am a bit older. Can I still be a pilot?

Yes, you can. The maximum age of being a pilot is 60 years-old in general.

If you like to fly for fun, you can take PPL course and fly with your friends or family.

I am a female. Can I also be a pilot?

Of course you can. The profession of pilot has been getting more popular nowadays.

A women’s dormitory is equipped at AAA for you to have a more comfortable living.

What should I do with my Visa?

Visa is included in the training fee, and AAA will be fully responsible for your Visa.

If you still have questions, please click the button below to get in touch with us.