Future of The Pilot

Pilot Shortage

The number of air-transport passengers on domestic airlines in the Philippines is more than 20 million. The growth of LCC and the economic growth of provincial cities resulted in the increase of passengers.

On the other hand, it is estimated that approximately 500,000 pilots will be required by 2032.

  • Asia Pacific

  • Europe

  • North America

  • Latin America

  • Middle East

  • Africa

  • CIS

(The Boeing Company)

About a Profession of Pilot

Aviation industry suffers from not only shortage of pilots but also aging of pilots and is placing its high hope on young pilots. Since Pilots are responsible for lives of the passengers, they need to be qualified to pass Civil Aviation Authority pilot licensing examinations. That is why pilots are considered to have high social status and a proud profession, and the income of pilots is expected to be considerably high.

Income of Pilot

Flight Instructor

US$20-30,000 /year

Airline First Officer

US$50-60,000 /year

Airline Captain(Smaller aircrafts)

US$40-70,000 /year

Airline Captain(Bigger aircrafts)

US$100-200,000 /year

How to Become a Pilot

It is mandatory to hold at least a commercial pilot license to work as a pilot. In addition, instrument rating will give your license the privilege.

After you obtain commercial pilot license with instrument rating, you can either start searching for employment opportunities or go for type rating training.
Now’s Your Chance to Become a Pilot! Shortage of 500,000 Pilots!