Affiliated Companies

Company Profile of AAA Affiliated Education Companies

All Asia Aviation Academy is an affiliated company of Chuoh Publishing Holdings that has been a leader in education business in Japan. The number of its affiliated companies reaches up to 64, and its annual revenue is 600 million US dollars. We develop our businesses globally under the motto of Chuoh Publishing Holdings.

Headquarters Nagoya, Japan
Revenue US$600 million
Affiliates 64 companies
Locations 200 areas Japan, America, Britain, Canada, Philippines, Australia, Indonesia, China, Taiwan and others.
Employees 15,000
Students 160,000

Company History of AAA Affiliated Education Companies in Asia

Chuoh Publishing Holdings expands various services to Asian countries and has been growing being supported by a great number of customers. The know-hows that were accumulated through a number of businesses are reflected in operation of AAA Central and AAA Academy.

1996 Established Bangkok branch of Chuoh Publishing Holdings
2001 Invested in the amusement park in Myanmar
2003 Established an elementary and a middle school
2007 Established staff agency in Manila
2008 Established a flying school in the Philippines
2009 Established a Japanese language institute in Tokyo Admission of foreign students from Asian nations

Introduction of Major Corporations in Chuoh Publishing Holdings

AAA Group Companies provide various educational services. We expand various services in overseas as well as all over Japan, targeting from pre-school children to people in their sixties.

KTC-School Ltd. 36 Schools in Japan, 1 School Overseas.
iTTTi JAPAN Management of English School for kids, Number of Classes : more than 1,300.
iTTTi VANCOUVER Language School in Vancouver.
Wish International (Domestic Base) Tokyo, Nagoya, Osaka.
Wish International (Support Office) London, Paris, Madrid, Frankfurt, Rome, Marta, Perth, Adelaide, Melbourne, Sydney, Gold Coast, Cairns, Oakland, Montreal, Vancouver, Victoria, Toronto, Prince Edward Island, New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles, and so on.
Japan Tokyo International School Language School in Tokyo.
Ocean-road Cooperative Society Development of Foreign Human Resource.